Face Detection | ml5
The rich text element allows you to create and.

I started with meddling around ml5 library with purpose of finding faces from webcam feed. There were some initial struggle to understand how to use that library, but documentation is pretty solid. I was able to detect faces and all the landmark that library gives and draw it out on canvas.
I wanted to use this library somewhere in purpose; simultaneously in CCC course we were in DEEP DIVE group and our topic was, How much liberty should be there in Interactive Art and importance of rules in Interactive Art. So I decided to create some sketch using ml5 and p5js as activity. I wanted to take my classmates’ faces and mesh them up to create a digital installation that people can react to. After trying out some iteration, finally I finalized on one concept. I wanted to extract people’s faces and replace their eye-part with other person’s eye-part.
Finally, combining all the logics, final code is here – https://editor.p5js.org/hk3407/sketches/UE39yF7TR